Get your children to rehearsal on time, prepared with everything they need
Pick your children up promptly after rehearsal, and make sure they leave with all their belongings
Offer to help them memorize their lines at home
Encourage them
Volunteer to help with sets, costumes, backstage supervision, or other needs
Make sure your children eat healthily and get plenty of sleep during tech week
Talk to your children's teachers to get tech week homework assignments early
Make sure your children don't miss too many rehearsals
Keep your calendar clear leading up to, during, and immediately following tech week
Check with the director/other staff frequently leading up to and during tech week to see how you can help. Sometimes there will be nothing, other times there will be a lot.
Help transport and unload items to the theatre on load-in day, and back out at the end
Help transport and unload items to the theatre on opening day
Stick around until the director leaves to be sure that he doesn't need any more help
Make sure to be totally out of the theatre AND the parking lot on time during tech week and performances.
Cheerily help out when needed
Encourage/affirm the cast members
Set a good example in word and action
Don't forget to enjoy the experience! It's hard work sometimes, but if you choose to make it so, it can also be a whole lot of fun.
Ask if you can miss part of tech week
Miss part of tech week anyway
Miss rehearsals that weren't listed on your conflict sheet (except in case of illness)
Add conflicts after rehearsals begin
Have no involvement other than dropping your child off and picking them up
Instruct your children on how you think they should act. Leave that to the directors.
Push your child forward, trying to get them more attention, stage time, etc
Question director decisions (except in cases regarding safety, modesty, etc)
Berate your children (or any other child), or spouse, or anyone else, at rehearsals/performances
Be late turning in paperwork
Be alone with any cast member (including your own) during rehearsals/performances. Rule of 3.
Ignore communications from the directors/producers/etc
Gossip, slander, or discuss sensitive/awkward personal matters at rehearsals/performances
Feed your child junk food during tech week (plan ahead so you can avoid it)
Leave rehearsal if your child's costume(s) is not hung up properly, props put away, mic removed, turned off, cleaned, batteries changed, and then properly stored
Forget to sign your child in/out
Ignore rules/guidelines
Be places you have been told not to be (read the emails, listen to the safety/orientation speeches!)
Call anybody out publicly, do something that makes another person look bad, or otherwise create unnecessary problems.
Use profanity at rehearsals/performances
Attempt to smuggle in alcohol or other prohibited items
Ignore rules that others are expected to follow (i.e. phones turned off during performances, no video recording or photography during performances unless approved by the director, etc)